Managing Your Mental Health With Chronic Kidney Disease

Use these tips to help manage your mental health with chronic kidney disease and start feeling better.

January 10, 2025
2 minutes

Living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) isn’t easy. Uncertainty, stress, and changes to your routine can all take a toll on your mental health. The good news is there are steps you can take to help you cope.


Tips for managing your mental health

These tips can help you manage your mental health and feel better.

CKD doesn’t have to mean giving up the activities you love. Whether it’s knitting, gardening, reading, or seeing a movie with friends, doing what you love goes a long way.


Focused breathing lowers stress levels and helps you feel in control. Lie down on a bed or couch and close your eyes. Take gentle breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, letting your breath leave your body slowly.


It’s normal to feel anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed. Your care team can help you manage whatever you’re going through. They can also refer you to mental health options like counseling. Don’t be afraid to lean on family, friends, and community too.


Improving your physical health helps you manage your CKD and boosts your mental health too. Follow the plan your care team recommends, which may include a kidney-friendly diet, avoiding tobacco and alcohol, getting sleep, and increasing your physical activity.


CKD can feel lonely at times. Remember, you’re not alone. Connect with a community of people who are on the same journey. Extra advice and support from people who have been there can make you feel a lot better.