Working in the Best Interest of the People We Serve

Debbie was diagnosed with stage 3 chronic kidney disease in 2018.

August 26, 2023
<1 minute
Elderly woman smiling

Debbie was diagnosed with stage 3 chronic kidney disease in 2018. As she progressed into stage 4, Debbie enrolled in our program through her insurance plan and was also placed on the transplant list.

Debbie worked with her nephrologist and Interwell Health for almost two years to slow progression and avoid dialysis. Interwell provided Debbie with a comprehensive care team that supported her every step of the way—counseling Debbie on lifestyle changes such as diet, answering her questions, and educating her about her condition.

Debbie also leaned on the care team for emotional support to give her strength and hope. As she progressed closer to end-stage kidney disease, her team prepared her for the possibility of dialysis and educated her about at-home dialysis to ensure an optimal start. After weighing her options, she agreed with her team and scheduled surgery to place a peritoneal dialysis catheter and begin at-home dialysis.

But that surgery never happened. The day before her appointment, Debbie received a call that a donor kidney was available. She and her husband rushed to the hospital in Detroit, where she underwent successful transplant surgery.

Today, Debbie has renewed energy to do what she loves—spending time with her family, including her eight children and 13 grandchildren, and savoring life’s simple pleasures.

“I’m enjoying every little thing,” she said. “Every day is a wonder and a miracle.”